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Carbotech AX6 brake pads for Roadster wanted

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Best bet would be to personally call any trusted website that advertises them and see if they have any in stock. Most likely the push the order to CarboTech directly, and if CT is out then they're out too. Also follow up with CT every couple of days to see if they have any new shipments of inventory. Otherwise you just have to luck out if a member has them, is able to delay putting them on, or wants to put the Bobcat 1521's on after they purchased the AX6's.

Good Luck.
Thanks for the help! I emailed CarboTech. It was forwarded to KNS Brakes INC, "Carbotech forwards retail inquiries to us.".
I also contacted several resellers I found on the web, but no one had them in stock.
Perhaps I should try to call CarboTech today...