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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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Help me out; I thought that the re-tooling and resulting production impacts were announced several quarters ago? Did I make this up; or am I just confusing TMC rumors with official reports.

I would have thought all of this was priced in already. Never mind the fact that model refresh will likely improve revenue and margins.
The only significant retooling that was previously announced were updates in Shanghai to the Model 3 line and possibly Model Y. There were also upgrades to Austin but that has less impact on a ramping factory still under major construction. All that was supposed to have been mostly completed and didn't cause much impact overall. Elon announcing further production impacts today for Q3 seems to be new and may also indicate several factories being impacted through the quarter.
The stock isn’t down 4% because Elon rambled. It’s down because factories are being idled to do upgrades and Elon and team wouldn’t say that order rates are strong enough to insure more price cuts weren’t needed. Elons talk on Cybertruck pretty much confirms it’s not coming out in Q3

This earnings call gave bears all that they needed to mislead the actual facts for their narrative for Q3.

The reality is that with the one time FSD transfer for Q3, Tesla is set up for a strong Q3 where deliveries could drastically outpace production leading to some huge FCF numbers. Also, Energy was both great and underwhelming this quarter. The margin increase was great. The deployment stagnation was not great. However, it seemed to me that during the call, Drew made it a point to say that recognizing Megapack revenue would be lumpy and then proceeded to mention that a lot of big Megapack projects will be completed in this quarter. So he could have been dropping some tea leaves that Energy will have a big a Q3

Unfortunately, I think this earnings call insures that TSLA fails to break above the 2 year downtrend line and thus will be capped by it and drift lower all throughout Q3
I would suggest that the "2 year downtrend line" is more likely a 14-15 month line beginning very early Nov 2021 and _ended_ January 2023) and has been headed up the last 6.5 months.
there will be "blips"

additionally, of the ~21 Billion shares traded on the open market around 3.2 Billion more have traded at higher than lower prices since 1/4/2023
from 11/4/2021 to 1/4/2023 it was similar in the opposite direction ( i dont have vol adjusted prices pre 3;1 split yet)
linear regression line is (obviously) down
If you zoom in to 1/1/2023 only, linear regression line is up
(see below)


sure looks like uptrend line to me (with blips)

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Although 2.8kbit/sec is a strange rate for a standard fossilized modem, a state-of-the-art very low-bitrate codec offering 3kbit/sec for speech compression might be Lyra:

To make this more Tesla-investor audio-adjacent relevant, when are we getting our AM radio back again ("gag me with a spoon", as they say from that era)?

Probably meant 28.8kbit, which was one of the last standard speeds.
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My early thoughts:

1. Lucky accident that in my forecast I got the GAAP EPS correct at $0.78, mainly because of the bump of $328m in the other income line, as auto GM% was below my forecast. But a win is a win, nailed it.

(see the Quarterly Projections thread if you want to stay abreast of that stuff Near-future quarterly financial projections )

2. GM% on energy is now broadly equal to GM% on automotive, i.e. 18% or so in round numbers for illustrative purposes. A 500k/yr vehicle line consumes about 40 GWh/yr of cells. The Lathrop megapack storage line is currently consuming approximately 12 GWh/yr of cells (after allowing for some cells to go into Powerpacks, Powerwalls). This means that the Lathrop line is now the equivalent of about 150,000 vehicles/yr in both revenue and profit terms. You can see that Lathrop now is almost contributing as much revenue and profit as Berlin is now, as Berlin is at about 200k/yr now. When Lathrop reaches 40 GWh/yr it will be equal to about 500k/yr vehicles, i.e. that is the same as the fully built and fully ramped phase 1 of Berlin. It is not obvious whether Berlin phase 1 will get fully ramped to 500k/yr=40GWh/yr before Lathrop reaches the equivalent fully ramped situation. This means that there no longer needs to be any hesitation in selling/ramping/etc storage vs vehicles and that makes overall business strategy decisions so much easier. Well done Lathrop. That makes LFP cell capacity allocation and negotiations so much easier. Plus of course there is the long tail of service/etc income from storage.

This table sets out the approximate situation and the broad equivalency between a 40GWh vehicle line and a 40GWh stationary storage line.

View attachment 957962
3. This means that decisions on Megapack factories are as important for recipent nations as automotive factories, but that they involve less technology exposure than automotive. That is good as they don't need as much labour/etc as an auto factory. This has huge implications for ability to scale overall business in a way that manages sovereign / political / strategic risk.

4. Berlin capacity is now significantly ahead of Austin capacity. The cell supply situation out of China has perked up now that Shanghai has gone fully LFP, clearing the way for the LG 2170 stream to go to Berlin. As yet the 4680 ramp in Austin has not caught up with the Chinese stream into Berlin (and into Lathrop). Well done to the Chinese LFP suppliers. It is still all about the cells.

5. The improved 4680 for CT sounds to me like same external 4680 can, maybe with decreased wall thickness and perhaps (?) tweaked chemistry. The 4680 ramp is likely the pacing factor for CT launch, and since there is still plenty to do on vehicle shakedown and cell side they don't seem in any hurry. Pencil in Q4 deliveries in low volumes.

6. Volume expansion and operating at full capacity is still the overriding target. Forget all about the waffle in the Q1 call about targetting operating margin. Or in previous calls about any other margin. Or about maintaining positive cash flow. though happily things are - and will continue to be - cash generative and so fully internally funded. Or share price stability. Or anything, except ramping as fast as possible and keeping the lines full. It is quite clear from the actual observable facts, that Tesla will reduce prices and throw in whatever promotional stuff it takes to keep the lines full.

7. This means that the real determinant of Tesla price is - wierdly - the extent to which there are competitive BEVs available from other automakers. The market will obviously take as many credible BEVs as the industry can produce, provided they aren't outrageously priced. So if Tesla has limited competition then Tesla can pretty much hold its own price up to a reasonable extent, with the result that Tesla obtains a (now) 18% or so GM%. And since (at the moment) the competitor BEVs are not as compelling a customer proposition (and their CoGS are higher) then the competitor OEMs are forced into low or negative GM%. It is really difficult to get those numbers, but let's just posit they range from +5% GM to -5% GM with an average BEV competitor of 0% GM. This is why demand for BEVs is collapsing at VAG etc, and they are in a cash crisis. The implication is that Tesla is probably near the bottom on pricing for the time being. Only if the competitors start bringing better products to market in a manner that is financially sustainable for them, will Tesla need to reduce prices. Of course that will happen, and so there may be further Tesla price reductions. But hopefully by then Tesla may have been able to make further CoGS reductions, and obtained further scale benefits, and so stay ahead of the game. But note - in an odd way - given that Tesla prizes capacity expansion above all else, then it is competitor products that now determine Tesla GM% and that is a new realisation for me.

8. Actuators are the pacing constraint on Optimus. Software is constrained by hardware. The hardware cycle is many months, that is the pacing constraint at this stage.

9. FSD will go to market in USA first. One day. Maybe.

10. Yeah, Q3 won't be a lot of growth. We are pretty sure the 3 lines (Shanghai, Fremont) will get a full rebuild and a next-gen 3 product. We don't know how fast they will ramp coming out of that. We don't know what will be done to the Y lines to keep them in lockstep (Berlin, Austin, Fremont, Shanghai). It seems to me that there is no reason for cell production to slow during Q3 (except of course for cell factories to do their hols and line maintenance & updates) and so they can build cells to stock, then that gives excess cells to mop up in Q4. Since vehicle line capacities seem to me to exceed cell line capacities that means that Q4 should be good. FSD-switch promotion to keep deliveries up during Q3 and avoid Osborning. I'm sure they will find enough promotions t keep it going - Herz etc.

11. So 1.8m for the year plus storage.

12. Very steady growth in S&S, nice.
Surely this is a Post of Particular Merit!
I didn't hear him say gen 3 would start with robotaxi. Since robotaxi is not happening anytime soon I hope we see gen 3 before that.

Correct, Gen 3 will be the affordable compact first, but Gen 3 is a platform so it will also be the Robotaxi down the road, ie: years from now. The compact will certainly have a steering wheel, but the Robotaxi probably will not.
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I hope its BYD. The legacy automakers aren't producing enough EVs to make it a big deal and ICE have too high operating costs to be competitive with EVs.
Why wouldn't the mystery maker (or makers) also include it into their ICE lines? I wonder if people are yawning because $5k of revenue added to Tesla for 20% of the 50k Mach-Es wouldn't matter much but what about 20% of all the F series trucks and vans sold? Just an example, I don't have a strong feeling that it's Ford.

I assume it will be just the autopilot product and not FSD and the talks are probably with a maker that has a very weak ADAS component and Blue Cruise looks to be better than most. I'd guess not Mercedes either for the same reason. VW might be too big/proud. BYD might make sense for several reasons so you might be right on that.

Solar’s only function right now is to depress energy gross margins.
True, but solar also helps sell a lot of powerwalls and even helps sell Tesla vehicles a bit. It's all part of the ecosystem.
Why wouldn't the mystery maker (or makers) also include it into their ICE lines?

Control code of an ICE powertrain with a transmission and no regen braking would be very different than an EV.

Not impossible, but significant added complexity I don't think Tesla would have any interest in handling, and the legacy OEMs sure couldn't do it.
Control code of an ICE powertrain with a transmission and no regen braking would be very different than an EV.

Not impossible, but significant added complexity I don't think Tesla would have any interest in handling, and the legacy OEMs sure couldn't do it.
Good point. I wonder if that is that much different than controlling some other company's regen/motors etc. though? 🤔
No Solar Roof on the house I am building either. Tesla told me to get stuffed after two years when we finally got to the point in construction where we were ready for the roof, with multiple forms signed and final applications filed with utility and township. We need a roof immediately and I am clueless.

First world problems.

I get the feeling that the Tesla Solar Roof is pretty much DOA as a mass market commodity.

Think Tesla energy is all about storage going forward, not generation.
Unfortunately, I confirm. Identical situation and zero progress after all has been ready for months. Tesla told me if you need that solar install soon, go to 3rd party certified installers. The install was ordered 18 months ago. All permits and documents finalized ~8 months ago.

Tesla has not mentioned solar for about 2 years now.
How certain are we that the FSD partner isnt apple? Elon likes apple, and apple have clearly failed many times to make their own self driving car. Maybe apple provides design and funding, some 3rd party partner, maybe hyundai makes the car, and Tesla provides FSD?
Its not like apple to totally give up, and they definitely have spent considerable effort trying to get a car made.
How certain are we that the FSD partner isnt apple?

Given Elon said "major automaker" we are 100% certain it's not Apple since they they currently make 0 cars.

That said- Tesla told us in 2017 they were in "negotiations" to open the supercharger network, something that would be vastly simpler than the FSD thing, and nothing came of that for another 6 years, so not sure this FSD licensing thing is going to be pertinent anytime soon either.
I think FSD is close enough (LOL) that the Robotaxi will more likely be an evolution of Gen 3 rather than a whole new platform. The hints they've dropped so far insinuate Gen 3 is being designed as a platform for future growth, that would mean it's designed to encompass all near term future plans. I wouldn't be surprised if the Tesla Van turns out to be on the Gen 3 platform as well.
We also know that Berlin phase 2 & 3 includes a paint shop.
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