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  1. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Yes it is really amazing - my first vehicle was an early 80s Ford Escort with a whopping 65hp, and my 0-60 CRUSHES YOU SIR, at about 14 seconds! :P Talk about throwing your body back against the seat! :P Technology is an amazing thing. I look at my current Model 3 every day and just shake my...
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    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Happy-Christmas-Eve-in-May! :)
  3. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    I think there have been some people who have announced deliveries... and not provided any pics. We should make that a LAW! If you post about your delivery, IT MUST COME WITH PICS. Say, at least a dozen! Or more! :)
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    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    When I bought my current Tesla, that's what I used, a little check-list with 'hot points' to look at, and I had it on my phone. And now that I mention it, I can't even find it. LOL Of course, when I went for delivery, they pointed out where my car was, and told me to 'take however much time I...
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    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Yes, I figured if PNW VINs were starting to roll out, you and Cheddar and a few others would be knocking over little kids to come here and spread the good word! :p There's been one so far - Crossing fingers SOON! :)
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    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    No, but you might be the only M3P on the truck, surrounded by a gang of Y's! :P Grats! :)
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    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Mine changed this past weekend to "June 5th - June 30th". Blue/Black, ordered 4/23 launch +4 hrs. No VIN.
  8. A

    Delivery timelines for Model 3 performance.

    @skm3p Have a gander! There's a spreadsheet and everything! :) https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/threads/model-3-performance-ludicrous-waiting-room.325944/page-273
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    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    I am still very satisfied having ordered blue. But the red, dude... If Tesla 'accidentally' sent me red instead of blue, I do think that I would be content with that 'mistake'. LOL Thanks for sharing! Still prefer the stock wheels, but those aftermarkets DO look nice!
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    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Hmmm. I know we'll never find out, but I am so curious as to why this is. I can only assume it has something to do with the method of transport they use for this region? Looking at the handy-dandy tracker, while we all know it's not all-encompassing of course, it's telling to look at the line...
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    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    First off - congrats!!!! But I am rather surprised about the above. I could swear I read somewhere the the intensity of the lighting was adjustable. Perhaps I am thinking of a review of a different vehicle, but that does surprise me still. Perhaps a possible feature for future OTA? Anyway...
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    Model 3 Highland Performance/Plaid Speculation [Car announced 04.23.2024]

    I actually really like them. But one man's art is another man's garbage. :)
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    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    @oreobbq - is the tracker right? You're taking delivery on Thursday, Black/Blue? Plz plz plz post pics if it happens!
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    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Same EDD pushback here, NO VIN, PNW area. Blue/Black. Ordered about 4 hours after orders went live. No sweat here at all - I had mentally prepped myself for a July delivery to lessen the disappointment of delays. ;) Super exciting watching others get VINs, and even deliveries, and all the...
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    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    10000%. This is one of the few cars I've seen where I like -every- color. I have my favorites, like some over others, but even the last color on my list would be suitable if that's all that was available, they're all just that good (in my opinion).
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    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    It does seem like it's a different process depending on where you are. Less than a year ago I bought my M3RWD, and I did not make final payment until I went to my delivery appointment. I was able to inspect the vehicle first, and then we settled-up inside. I didn't 'ask' for this - they just...
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    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Gahhh... I don't wanna have to drive down to Tigard, but dangit I wanna see! LOL! What color is the one on display there?
  18. A

    2024 Model 3 Performance Announced - Discussion thread post announcement

    I am not a red-car guy, but that red is DROP DEAD gorgeous. Just -perfect-. Congrats!!!!
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    Model 3 Highland Performance/Plaid Speculation [Car announced 04.23.2024]

    Depending on the specs, this means a person in CO -could- have gotten one for just a hair over $40k. (Gray/Black on launch day I think). Just -mind-boggling! :) Congrats to you and the other CO folks!
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    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    I do find it a bit odd... Not complaining at all, just a bit surprised. I assume a bunch of us will all pop-up at once, in time. I think the nearest tracker VIN is... SLC or central Cali... of course there might be others out there with VINs in our area that aren't on the list, or not even...
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    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    All good things come to those who wait! Meditate! Go to the movies! Binge the entire Dr. Who catalog, build a time-machine or go to sleep in one of those cryo-lab tubes... Distract yourself with other things. And keep coming here for moral support! We'll get there! Tesla -wants- to get these...
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    Model 3 Highland Performance/Plaid Speculation [Car announced 04.23.2024]

    At the end of the day, since I am not independently wealthy, the value is insanely incredible. And in a few lucky States (for the yanks out there), you might be eligible for even -bigger- rebates which is just icing on the delicious M3P-cake!
  23. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Incoming text from Tesla! OMG OMG OMG OMG.... "Your Free month of FSD is about to expire......" ARGGHHHHHHHHHH! LOL! :) Grats to VINs and deliveries so far today!! woohoo!
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    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    I understand Tesla wants to provide -something- of an expected delivery date to buyers, but it seems even with the knowledge of their firmware issue (if that's all it is), they're aggravating more than helping, I think. I believe they'd be better off just telling -all- customers (especially...
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    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Daaaaaaamn. Makes me so glad I went with blue afterall. :) Thanks for sharing!
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    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Shhhh! Wouldn't that mean the rest of us would move up those spots they vacate? :P Ahhh. Anticipation. :)
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    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    I want to say the IRS does... but I am not a betting man. :)
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    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Might have been a number of things, from some sort of paint-issue after it came off the line, to someone at the factory damaged it, etc. These things are the -worst-, especially because they are out of our control. :( Fingers crossed you get a replacement VIN pronto!
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    Model 3 Highland Performance/Plaid Speculation [Car announced 04.23.2024]

    Just curious, where have you seen this? I haven't done extensive research, but I know I saw CR had Tesla listed as the 2nd most reliable American car company based on actual ownership (just a hair behind Buick), while Chrysler was dead last among -all- makers, not just American. Kinda sad to...
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    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Thank you for sharing!!! So glad I ordered blue. <3 :)
  31. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    I think a couple people here mentioned they have actual deliveries scheduled for the 22nd...
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    Model 3 Highland Performance/Plaid Speculation [Car announced 04.23.2024]

    I hope it's ok to post this here, but something like this - available in clear or black. Acrylic adhesive pads You get 100 for $4, so if one eventually pops off, you've got a few dozen backups. :)
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    Model 3 Highland Performance/Plaid Speculation [Car announced 04.23.2024]

    Yeah, that was what I had planned to try as well after giving the stock version a try. These things can be found pretty cheap at craft stores or on Amazon. I had hoped that maybe one of them would be a slightly raised 'bump', and the other a slightly 'indented' divot, to make them both...
  34. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    The M3RWD I bought new last summer had 10 on it. Pretty sure of all the new cars I've bought of any make, I think 15 is the highest I've seen. Not sure about other people, but I'd be fine up to about 25... then I'd start to wonder... just how many pizza-runs DID they make with my car?
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    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    It definitely does stink to look forward to something and having a few days tacked on, but then just remember there are a good bunch of folks here who have to wait until July - or beyond! I bet any of them would be happy to trade with you! ;) It definitely stinks that you did the Carmax thing...
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    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Well damn! If I had known these cars came with KAF, I would have ordered one at LEAST 3 hours sooner than I did! :)
  37. A

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Exactly the same here, and I live just north of you. I am still of the mind that it will be July before we see regular black-interior deliveries. Hoping I am wrong, of course! :)
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    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Seems that some kids got onto the tracker. This is why we can't have nice things. :(
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    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    I can just imagine it now... Louise, the little old 'seat-lady' at the Fremont factory, sewing together white-leather seats as fast as she can... "Mr. Musk said white, so that's all yer gettin'!" :) It's definitely frustrating, but gives an idea what some of the other M3 buyers have been...
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    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Same - never been a fan of white or black, had a few gray cars, and a couple red - but blue has always been my fave. The red this time around -almost- tempted me. They really did get it right. But still happy I ordered blue - though we are certainly in the minority, at least where this forum is...
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    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Or if you often drive alone! :)
  42. A

    Model 3 Highland Performance/Plaid Speculation [Car announced 04.23.2024]

    If you could do that and report it here... based on how eager some here are to see such real-world numbers, I bet you'd become something of a superhero for a short while! :) Interested to hear what you learn!
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    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    That guy on Top Gear, I think, mentioned this as 'missing' from the M3P review he did. I kinda find it as a silly reason to 'ding' a review on a vehicle, but then again fake engine noise is important to some. I do think it's interesting to think that in a decade or three, 'engine noise' could...
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    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Dude... when I placed my order on the 23rd, that's exactly what I configured - and it came up over the limit for the US incentive by a hair. I about cried. Maybe I did it wrong? I don't know. But the exterior color was more important to me so I went with blue/black.
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    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    This has been my experience as well - MOST salespeople. Occasionally I've had a really good one. I had a Kia salesrep once who I swore actually designed the car, but most salesreps I've had were pretty clueless. My one and only Tesla sales associate last summer was pretty awesome. As the...
  46. A

    2024 Model 3 Performance Announced - Discussion thread post announcement

    Ditto - I love the new 'Highland' style, front to back, inside and out. I -almost- pulled the trigger on a M3P early last year and am really glad I waited. :)
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    Model 3 Highland Performance/Plaid Speculation [Car announced 04.23.2024]

    That's what I like about reading a variety of experiences from a wide range of people. The comments by this person are quite different than the comments by others. Ultimately for something this expensive, I wanna put my own butt in the driver's seat and find out for myself, but I greatly enjoy...
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    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Those of you getting VINs - any of you folks have a black interior?
  49. A

    2024 Model 3 Performance Announced - Discussion thread post announcement

    On that note... this may be a dumb question... but will mats/trunk liners/frunk liners from a '23 Model 3 fit properly in the '24 Model 3s? I've been curious about that, and was curious if anyone might know. My understanding is that the rear seats sit at a slightly higher angle, but I haven't...
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    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Congrats from across the river!!! Did you sell it to someone through your listing here? Mind sharing what platform the purchaser found you on?