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  1. A

    Lesson for Tesla Owners - Tire Service from Tesla or not

    I agree. I also don't think Tesla charged anything outrageous for a new tire. My thought was more around, was it necessary, or a plug could have done the job?
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    Will tesla service fix steering wheel alignment

    @Gucci7 I say it depends. I had a bad flat at 8K and the tesla tech inspected remaining three tires and said its okay to swap only one. 9/32 brand new vs 7/32 used ones. At 22K I guess the old ones are too old to be mixed
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    Model 3 totaled?

    I think at this point with all the info we have, it is 50:50
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    Lesson for Tesla Owners - Tire Service from Tesla or not

    I think the core lesson for me is to always get an opinion from a tire place like Discount Tires before calling Tesla. BTW I asked Costco and they don't plug any Tesla tires, as a policy.
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    Lesson for Tesla Owners - Tire Service from Tesla or not

    Thanks @dafish are you suggesting I take it to Discount Tire and discuss with them my options? I mean the new tire is already installed so perhaps they can suggest should I put back old one and keep brand new as a spare?
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    Lesson for Tesla Owners - Tire Service from Tesla or not

    Somewhere I read its 0.5 inch or max 1 inch from sidewall, and as you can see in pic its 1.5 inches from sidewall hence was wondering...
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    Lesson for Tesla Owners - Tire Service from Tesla or not

    Driving to the office in the morning, my wife's 2023 MY picked a nail, on the rear passenger side. She got an alert on her cell phone around 3 pm, the tire pressure was low - 32 PSI. I have her carry a portable inflator so asked her to fill it to 46 psi and drive to nearby America's Tire (In...
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    Having problem to download latest OTA update, anyone else?

    Same here. The problem came back. I called and got service center appointment. I hope there is no bigger issue.
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    My Model Y battery loses 2 % each day while it sits in garage, Sentry & Climate are off, what gives ?

    as mentioned by many above... 3rd party apps, Using Tesla App, etc. wakes up the car and it doesn't go immediately to sleep like mobile phone screen. Either ways, 2 percent in 24 hours is not too bad. Every rechargeable battery looses charge on its own.
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    Having problem to download latest OTA update, anyone else?

    Update: Tesla service guy (quite technical) called me yesterday and did a remote "re-hand shake" and this solved the issue overnight. BTW, I asked the service guy about Software Re-Install and he quite strongly advocated against it. He said lot of cars got bricked by that process and the...
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    Having problem to download latest OTA update, anyone else?

    I am on the same boat. 2024.2.2.1 is stuck at 100% from last three days. Opened multiple service requests with Tesla but no one bothered to contact. Is Reinstall Software in Service Mode a safe thing to do? It pops up so many warnings!
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    HW4 - No Park Assist at all

    Thanks for clarity. Yes I was talking about Park Assist. It is now available with latest update, although the feature is not very helpful TBH. It certainly needs polishing.
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    72 Hours - 250 Miles experience on HW4

    Pretty sure he is reading this forum before going to sleep :p
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    Sidewall slightly scuffed - thoughts?

    Tire will be fine. You may get the rim repair done if it bothers you (I wont bother) or new wheel caps.
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    HW4 - No Park Assist at all

    Now I have it too after latest SW update. Mine is at the stage, where it cries "Sky is falling" all the time :)
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    Discussion: HW.4 Suite - Availability, retrofit, suitability etc.

    Oh no! This is crazy. I think they have a one where you live and they keep assigning it to you. Did you try changing Tesla delivery showroom?
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    72 Hours - 250 Miles experience on HW4

    Seems like item #2 - low speed park assist if fixed now wit the latest OTA update. Some members had to perform wheel restart for it to properly work.
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    Discussion: HW.4 Suite - Availability, retrofit, suitability etc.

    Check this thread. Someone said, it took couple of wheel reboots for that problem to go away and they don't have the error anymore. I haven't had chance to test it myself. https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/threads/hw4-no-park-assist-at-all.303472/#post-7659838
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    HW4 - No Park Assist at all

    Thanks. I will do the reboot too and see how it looks
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    Anything to check before 50k, prior to warranty expiration?

    Unless I got it wrong motor and batteries are covered till 8 years and 120,000 so core "drivetrain" parts will still be covered. Brakes, lights etc. will be not of course
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    Nationwide Insurance-recent experience

    Nationwide is a very big insurer. Like with anything if searched hard on the internet, one would find both good and bad reviews. Having said that, they are rated quite high by consumer reports. I wouldn't hesitate going with them. Do get OEM replacement + New car replacement coverage if you...
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    Discussion: HW.4 Suite - Availability, retrofit, suitability etc.

    Mine got updated today, so the lines appeared but it still says "Park Assist unavailable". So a step forward for sure, but more to go.
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    72 Hours - 250 Miles experience on HW4

    Yes I think it is quite prevalent than many think. Conveniently enough my demo Y had basic AP disabled :-)
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    72 Hours - 250 Miles experience on HW4

    Adding a couple of more items to the quirks list 6. Tesla showroom didn't fix the rear temp number plate properly. Two out of four screws fell off before I noticed and fixed the remaining using the frame. Something to watch out folks, when taking delivery. Not a Tesla manufacturing issue but...
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    Discussion: HW.4 Suite - Availability, retrofit, suitability etc.

    Good call, especially if your not in rush or can manage somehow for few more weeks.
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    Who, in here, was the first to get a MY with HW4?

    Great question. I think there are some threads out there on Twitter saying it. In my case - I also asked SA and he said HW4, not saying SA is more reliable source of information than twitter. ;)
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    Steering Power Reduced

    Please schedule a service using App. Ask for a flatbed tow Below threads may help as well. https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/threads/error-steering-assist-reduced-steering-may-require-increased-effort.268470/ https://www.teslaownersonline.com/threads/steering-assist-reduced-lol-tldr.26702/
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    72 Hours - 250 Miles experience on HW4

    Exactly the same experience. We were driving on freeway at night and "phantom braking" happened. No one should get offended by experiences we had and they didn't. We are not lying or making up things here. If anything, people should be happy they are not having this issue.
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    Who, in here, was the first to get a MY with HW4?

    Yes total luck I say. I didn't try or do anything. I guess my config was rare (!?) so they had to make ONE for me ;-)
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    72 Hours - 250 Miles experience on HW4

    Please share your experience with us when you get a chance.
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    Who, in here, was the first to get a MY with HW4?

    Here you go... The car is in garage and reflecting too much when taking photo. This is the best I could get. You can see distinct Red and also that "eyebrow"
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    72 Hours - 250 Miles experience on HW4

    I hope Tesla finds resolution to it. Being in tech industry, I can definitely see this being a software (being fed from hardware) issue where system goes in exception mode when a "non-prerecorded" event happens.
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    Discussion: HW.4 Suite - Availability, retrofit, suitability etc.

    Wait for VIN and then decide. Most likely you will get HW4
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    Discussion: HW.4 Suite - Availability, retrofit, suitability etc.

    I guess it is a case of under-paid, over- egoistic, lazy SA. If yours is Fremont built and higher than 79XXXX then you have a HW4.
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    72 Hours - 250 Miles experience on HW4

    So here is my experience with my Tesla MY LR Gemini wheels that came with HW4 VIN-791XXX, Fremont built. This is based on 72 hours of ownership and 250 miles of mixed driving. We are coming from "premium" Japanese brands, so there is a baseline in terms of what we expect Booking & Delivery: I...
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    HW4 - No Park Assist at all

    Correct. That's exactly what I am looking for. Those moving lines around the car. BTW, I have FSD Visualization enabled.
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    Discussion: HW.4 Suite - Availability, retrofit, suitability etc.

    Thanks. Not the first one to get, but perhaps first one here to post/admit I suppose :) I have posted on other thread too.
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    Discussion: HW.4 Suite - Availability, retrofit, suitability etc.

    Thanks! Still new to the car so I will figure out and post. BTW, there were other deliveries (different colors and configs) around same time and all of them HW4. SAs were saying the majority of Y deliveries they getting now are on HW4
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    Who, in here, was the first to get a MY with HW4?

    Group: I took the delivery of my 2023 MY LR yesterday. It is Fremont built and came with HW4 - those red cameras :) The VIN is 791XXX. So this should give you indication on what to expect if you have your VIN. Honestly, I don't feel any difference, perhaps because I didn't buy their FSD or...
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    HW4 - No Park Assist at all

    Sorry if I was not clear. I am looking to use Park Assist while driving into the garage and reverse. Seems like from above posts that HW4 doesn't have it yet.
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    Discussion: HW.4 Suite - Availability, retrofit, suitability etc.

    Group: I took the delivery of my 2023 MY LR yesterday. It is Fremont built and came with HW4 - those red cameras :) The VIN is 791XXX. So this should give you indication on what to expect if you have your VIN. Having said that, I cant say if it is a great thing - I posted on another thread and...
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    HW4 - No Park Assist at all

    Thanks... It sucks because I suck parking in tight places and little nervous because it is a brand new car too lol
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    HW4 - No Park Assist at all

    I took delivery of 2023 MY LR yesterday. It came with HW4. The park assist is not there even after driving more than 50 calibration miles. I don't even see any error like "Park Assist is Unavailable". It is nothing there at all when I pull the car slowly (less than 5 mph) into the garage or...
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    Discussion: HW.4 Suite - Availability, retrofit, suitability etc.

    I don't think it is a very reliable especially when Tesla ramps up/down the production, which they did recently. Question - was your SA able to conform or deny if you are getting a HW4?
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    Discussion: HW.4 Suite - Availability, retrofit, suitability etc.

    Thanks. Interesting they delivered PF792XXX already while still working on PF791XXX. lol By any chance you twitter thread discussing this handy? Much appreciated.
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    Discussion: HW.4 Suite - Availability, retrofit, suitability etc.

    Greetings! How we know which VIN has which HW version? Also does it ascending or descending order? Example if VIN allocated is PF791XXX. Could it be HW4 or HW3? Thanks. in advance.