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  1. carlyb24

    SpaceX F9 - Axiom Mission 2 - LC-39A

    Yeah I figured there had to be more to it than just NOTAMs - thanks for sharing!
  2. carlyb24

    SpaceX F9 - Axiom Mission 2 - LC-39A

    Interesting! Slide 5 - “turn right… Roger turn right” is killing me tho 😂
  3. carlyb24

    SpaceX F9 - Axiom Mission 2 - LC-39A

    That’s some hard hitting journalism right there - I’m just surprised Elon Musk saving Christmas wasn’t one of the possible theories
  4. carlyb24

    SpaceX F9 - Axiom Mission 2 - LC-39A

    Ohhh they put it in NOTAMs … ok well that’s fantastic and i feel very reassured knowing that now. Naturally myself and every pilot Ive ever met reads NOTAMs religiously prior to each flight
  5. carlyb24

    SpaceX F9 - Axiom Mission 2 - LC-39A

    Just curious - how did they communicate with ATC when they entered controlled airspace? Did someone in the control center send a message ahead of time requesting clearance to be sure they'd avoid other aircraft? I know it couldn't be "Axiom2 entering 62 mile final for the Atlantic Ocean straight...
  6. carlyb24

    SpaceX F9 - Axiom Mission 2 - LC-39A

    A night landing on water makes this even more amazing... loved hearing that John Shoffner is a seaplane pilot too :)
  7. carlyb24

    SpaceX F9 - Axiom Mission 2 - LC-39A

    Aaaand they just docked at the ISS! Watching live on NASA TV ... so amazing.. I remember when the idea of privatizing space was just a thought exercise in academic journals and the odd book or two - thought it was a great idea back then and still do - really hope my 'crazy' space policy...
  8. carlyb24

    Let’s play is it totaled or not?

    I see what you’re saying but I still see a lot of unanswered questions and hopeful assumptions- so why not consult with an attorney and at least ask them what they can do for you in this case? It’s hard for me to give you more specific details because I’m not an attorney- I’m only speaking...
  9. carlyb24

    Let’s play is it totaled or not?

    The reason I firmly stand by my suggestion to see a lawyer is simple - and let me preface this by saying I never thought I’d say this and don’t want any part in contributing to overly litigious society- but when you’re in this situation and you’re not at fault what I have learned the hard way...
  10. carlyb24

    Let’s play is it totaled or not?

    Definitely consult an attorney
  11. carlyb24

    Let’s play is it totaled or not?

    My personal advice is to still talk to an attorney ASAP. Whether or not there was personal injury at the site of the accident makes no difference. I was in an accident last month where a teenage driver in an SUV T-boned into me on the drivers side- she was found completely at fault and my...
  12. carlyb24

    First Tow of the Boat!

  13. carlyb24

    First Tow of the Boat!

    Yeah that’s a good point- I’d definitely be concerned about algae too
  14. carlyb24

    First Tow of the Boat!

    Maybe you could put something on the ramp to increase friction - coarse sand or even a mat of some sort- just as a little extra insurance against sliding