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  1. Utumno

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    Dumb question: what decisions is the regen indicator informing? In my case, and I suspect many others, the answer is “none”. In which case if information presented has no possible use for driver decision making, why present that information to the driver at all? Unsurprisingly you’ll find me...
  2. Utumno

    [UK] 2024.14.x

    The question is whether they’ll do that based on first sale date for two otherwise identical vehicles. The other settings are VIN-based/factory-set and I agree there’s many precedents for that. At best I expect any changes to apply to a range of VIN numbers guaranteed to have been sold through...
  3. Utumno

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    Speed camera chime seems like a nice quality of life improvement and the manual wiper control is considerably improved.
  4. Utumno

    [UK] 2024.14.x

    I understand that Highland is a different vehicle, technically, to a pre-Highland vehicle. As an example, any unsold UK stock of Model Y’s must comply with the new legislation in order to be legally sold after the effective date. Are Tesla really going to offer one software behaviour on two...
  5. Utumno

    Vendor Official Tessie app talk

    Just looked here and update percentage is also not rendering correctly on the front screen for me. iOS v13.1.4, if that helps. I had a previous version installed (not sure of the version number, sorry) that rendered correctly, but updating to 13.1.4 on iOS broke the display so I think that's a...
  6. Utumno

    Tesla sales continue downwards trend in Europe

    What you're giving up there with the Porsche is about £100k... I mean fair enough, but it's not even vaguely in the same market as a Model Y!
  7. Utumno

    [UK] 2024.14.x

    I'm not allowed an I4, says SWMBO. She says it's a midlife crisis car, and apparently I'm too old for a midlife crisis. FML.
  8. Utumno

    [UK] 2024.14.x

    Wait, a software update removed your stalks ? This must mean Tesla can OTA LIDAR. Can't wait.
  9. Utumno

    [UK] 2024.14.x

    Both our Y’s had 2024.14.8 offered last night. One’s updated (USS) the other is scheduled for 2am Friday morning (non-USS)
  10. Utumno

    Model Y tyre replacement

    You went with the plain s3 evo then, rather than the T1 version ?
  11. Utumno

    Vendor Official Tessie app talk

    I’ve done exactly this for ages, albeit mostly to avoid my wife screwing up the charge limits at home…
  12. Utumno

    Tesla sales continue downwards trend in Europe

    This again? Several manufacturers are on record as stating that their autonomous agents will aim to prevent injury to driver and passenger as this is what the human driver would instinctively do. If that means mowing down children at a bus stop, that’s what can be expected. Take a human-driven...
  13. Utumno

    Tesla sales continue downwards trend in Europe

    The overall package is still market competitive and there’s plenty of profit per vehicle to discount against. I’m glad there’s increasing choice and diversity in the market though, and long may it continue.
  14. Utumno

    Tesla sales continue downwards trend in Europe

    From what I can see this isn’t unusual either. Low mileage and delivery mileage vehicles are often at very deep discounts; my Dad picked up a 24 plate e-208 pre-reg runabout last week for a whisker over £18k and he even had choice of colour. 44% discount - bonkers. The inevitability of a large...
  15. Utumno

    UK FSD Discussion

    I don’t think there is a “different, later” bill - only an “activation date” for the current bill. Plus I can absolutely guarantee you that none of this is going to start being activated until enough manufacturers actually lobby for activation…and that is going to take a while. 2026? Nope.
  16. Utumno

    UK FSD Discussion

    All cars are right wing. Self-driving cars doubly so.
  17. Utumno

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    I mean, I like Tessie, but it simply isn’t worth the current asking price. I don’t see how it can ever be worth the asking price for an individual “private” subscriber at those rates either, but other people’s value judgements will rightfully differ!
  18. Utumno

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    There will be some subscribers on a legacy plan. Not all of those prices will necessarily be available to subscribe to in app now. Pricing – Tessie
  19. Utumno

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    Just looked at the revised pricing and … holy forking shirtballs. In fact double zoinks as the pricing is now per vehicle as well!! (I upgraded to Tessie lifetime this time last year for just over £140 and that covers both our Model Y’s)
  20. Utumno

    UK FSD Discussion

    Not even if branded as “Supervised” 😂
  21. Utumno

    UK FSD Discussion

    Yeah matter transporters are where I get all Bones McCoy about technology. I’ll keep my atoms where I can see them, thanks.
  22. Utumno

    UK FSD Discussion

    Long story short, nothing to see here until 2026 at the very earliest.
  23. Utumno

    UK FSD Discussion

    Self-driving vehicles set to be on roads by 2026 as Automated Vehicles Act becomes law Ie no earlier than 2026.
  24. Utumno

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    Only on USS-enabled cars though.
  25. Utumno

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    This is clearly nonsense, because it doesn’t take account of the height of the passenger seat nor the angle of inclination of the 60% rear seat, nor the number of turns of the near side rubber tailgate stay.
  26. Utumno

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    Interesting how rollout info on Tessie’s Tesla Software Tracker varies from TeslaFi for the two different vehicle fleets.
  27. Utumno

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    Entirely possible, I honestly can’t remember! In a longer trip yesterday when we definitely had the nav on, the markers were certainly there. I put it down to user error as well…
  28. Utumno

    Early termination of PCP

    Sure, but it’s very specific to me, my current agreement and pretty scruffy 😀 I’ll clean it up a bit and post a GSheet link here in case it offers any help, but basically it’s just a month by month settlement figure estimator with a simple percentage calculation from the total amount of the...
  29. Utumno

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    There was indeed a map marker for speed cameras, but it’s disappeared recently. Haven’t driven much in the last few weeks but noticed it isn’t there any longer but the speed camera alert still is at the top of the screen
  30. Utumno

    Early termination of PCP

    All I’d say is don’t forget to add the interest up to the intended point of VT as well - different finance companies handle the amortisation of interest differently in agreements - some flat monthly, some compound so the proportion of interest charges to principal are higher at the start of the...
  31. Utumno

    Early termination of PCP

    Go to Legal Beagles. They have a simple pack with form letters to make this process as painless as possible including covering all the usual gotchas and clawbacks that finance companies like to try to charge you with. If you have genuinely paid over half the value of the vehicle, normally...
  32. Utumno

    [UK] 2024.8.x

    When and where was “sensor fusion” promised? I think I missed this memo…
  33. Utumno

    Glove box scratches

    Maybe Tesla for a glove box door replacement quote in-app and work down the cost options from there? Scratched gloveboxes and trim annoy my own personal OCD so much that people are banned from bringing their nasty scratchy backpacks and other nonsense into footwells. Eventually my wife will...
  34. Utumno

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    That’s what all stakeholders smell like 😂 (I manage both software developers AND stakeholders for a living, I’m everyone’s worst nightmare…)
  35. Utumno

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    “Experience” ? 😂
  36. Utumno

    [UK] Spring Software Update

    I hope it works to get out of Auto too. This is a major quality of life improvement.
  37. Utumno

    [UK] Spring Software Update

  38. Utumno

    Battery life...

    If you’re just “topping up” you should only do that to 80% on that vehicle. 100% charges are for trips.
  39. Utumno

    Fisker ocean - UK forum

    I suspect you may be conflating morality with legality, which generally leads to disappointment. Which isn’t to say that if there is provable wrongdoing it shouldn’t be prosecuted of course!
  40. Utumno

    UK FSD Discussion

    In the UK I find it remarkable that anyone elected to buy the FSD license, when there’s not even a vague timeline for a regulatory framework to even make the use of the FSD features possible, let alone any clarity on what those features offer in practical terms. I get that some will have bought...
  41. Utumno

    UK FSD Discussion

    Tesla treats UK as EU, doesn’t it?
  42. Utumno

    UK FSD Discussion

    To enlighten onlookers to the “trolley problem”, which is what your post was using as an ethical framework to moralise about. And The Good Place did a very entertaining and relatable take on it.
  43. Utumno

    UK FSD Discussion

    Not you, Zoros. Because I replied to his post and not yours. I am agreeing with your perspective. I also work in safety critical industries, and am professionally involved in the AI sector.
  44. Utumno

    UK FSD Discussion

    Don’t feed the troll people…
  45. Utumno

    UK FSD Discussion

  46. Utumno

    UK FSD Discussion

    Nah they’d just tweet Elon.
  47. Utumno

    [UK] 2024.8.x

    2024.8.7 just popped on the non-USS MY, still waiting on the the USS MY popping.
  48. Utumno

    2024 Insurance Costs

    My Admiral quote this year (1-March renewal) was £1100. Though I actually live semi-rurally, the HP17 postcode covers the entire area between Aylesbury & Thame so I’m probably paying a premium for technical adjacency to Haddenham 😞 But it also raised this year from £750 to £1500 with LV, hence...
  49. Utumno

    Tesla Alternative?

    <sigh> Or you actually pick it because that’s your favourite paint colour! The wife’s Y is Midnight Silver so I’ve no particular problem paying for paint…
  50. Utumno

    Tesla Alternative?

    Yes, there just isn’t any serious/viable competition in the price bracket. This doesn’t mean the vehicles are perfect, but in general the compromises necessary to switch brands and maintain features mean Elon keeps selling vehicles.