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  1. Lowchrg

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    Welcome to FSD Beta those who have received recently! I’ve basically stopped using it personally 🤣
  2. Lowchrg

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    I just received on my legacy retrofit 90D that was previously on Hopefully if the tweets aren’t more false promises this will be rolling out to new testers soon. Crossing my fingers for y’all!
  3. Lowchrg

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    You can buy them but you need to know what you’re buying cause they won’t help you with that. Create a service ticket which lays out all the part numbers you wish to order and advise if any of the part numbers that you submit cannot be found then you’d like to order the latest revision of that...
  4. Lowchrg

    How do I opt-out of the FSD Beta?

    Fair enough, if you’re subbed it doesn’t make sense if you’re not enjoying it. But for me personally I guess I value the ability to turn on Beta when I’m in the mood to use it and give the new updates a try each release rather than being first to get every little new feature but I get it!
  5. Lowchrg

    How do I opt-out of the FSD Beta?

    What’s the point of opting out? Just turn off FSD Beta in the menus. All FSD eligible cars are being transitioned to Vision with 2022.24.5 anyways.
  6. Lowchrg

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    I was very much against vision but after getting beta it’s not nearly as bad as I expected. It actually feels much smoother than when I had radar enabled AP. Fortunately our legacy vehicles don’t get forced into using the crappy auto headlights with vision due to our presence of a physical stalk.
  7. Lowchrg

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    The car detects new hardware during software installation. So you can either wait until you have a pending update downloaded but not installed or drive to a service center geofence and redeploy current software on your own accord. Change all cameras, reinstall software, done. Once the...
  8. Lowchrg

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    There is always the option to replace the cameras yourself if you have the ability to source and install them. I sourced and upgraded my cameras on my own accord and received FSD Beta in June. No issues whatsoever.
  9. Lowchrg

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    New maps getting pushed today, may have been holding up beta? Who knows. But it’s something!
  10. Lowchrg

    FSD camera upgraded - now how to get beta?

    Wait patiently… again.
  11. Lowchrg

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    10.12.2 has stopped rolling out, I venture the next wave of new additions will be with 10.13 not too far away hopefully
  12. Lowchrg

    FSD beta expansion to new beta testers June 2022

    Have you tried driving the car or just enabled the setting? It takes a second for FSD to start initializing and showing the visualization once driving. Expanded FSD view is only shown when FSD is engaged.
  13. Lowchrg

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    Another big push! Go check! Reports of 96 scores receiving. If any 95s get it let us know!
  14. Lowchrg

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    Has anyone gotten a strike out yet? This is the only thing I’m a bit paranoid about but so far my wheel holding techniques have been working and no excessive nags.
  15. Lowchrg

    FSD Beta 10.12

    There’s definitely some small changes to highway AP that I’m noticing but by far the biggest change is the visualization volume and accuracy. Pre-FSD it would only show a few vehicle around and they would flash in and out a bit so it was hard being confident in the viz. Now I think I could...
  16. Lowchrg

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    You may have a better chance now trying to schedule it on your own as service centers are more familiar with the process but ymmv. Regards to other comments, beta is definitely not perfect but holy *sugar* if my mind wasn’t blown a few times. There is no other cars on the market that can even do...
  17. Lowchrg

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    Not gonna lie guys, I think we have the perfect cars for FSD. - No annoyances from cabin camera nags/strikeouts. - No forcing the use of auto high beam because of our physical high beam switch. - Round wheel to easily let it slip through on turns. Happy 2nd beta push! Let’s keep it goin!
  18. Lowchrg

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    Not sure, they pushed to 97+ I believe. Haven’t seen any 96 or 95 get it besides hearsay or they didn’t know they went up to 97 before it got pushed. They may be doing another push to 95/96 but no guarantees? So up to you on what you decide to do
  19. Lowchrg

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    Congratulations everyone! Happy Beta weekend! It’s been a long time coming for many of us but for some the journey has not ended. We may have beta now but do your best not to forget about this thread and continue supporting those still waiting for camera invites. It remains a grueling process...
  20. Lowchrg

    no fsd beta after 400 miles with a score of 100 for 7 days since requesting

    Keep an eye on TeslaFi for a push of 2022.12.3.20, it’s been pushed to all current beta cars so far so any additional pending downloads will be to new vehicles.
  21. Lowchrg

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    Oh make no mistake, it absolutely is
  22. Lowchrg

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    Hopefully us next 🤞 Tweet was posted earlier but posting again because it makes me happy
  23. Lowchrg

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    Right? All that needs changing is the camera modules, the “windows” in the pillar glass are all so similar I can’t imagine they make a big enough difference between revisions
  24. Lowchrg

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    I started this thread and I hate it so much, I wish it was over. Feels like there is light at end of the tunnel.
  25. Lowchrg

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    10.12.2 release to wider already getting walked back, now could be 10.13. Until they find an issue. Then 10.13.1 but actually 10.14 will be far better for wider release. Repeat until your customers opt out or off themselves.
  26. Lowchrg

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    “Probably” is Elonese for “no but can you please shut up about it?”
  27. Lowchrg

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    Has everyone gotten their clown nose and make up ready? Hahaha I don’t even know what to feel anymore. I’m completely numb.
  28. Lowchrg

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    I hate that this is the most plausible explanation
  29. Lowchrg

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    Using my forum registration date as an argument against me sure is petty. I’ve been an owner since 2017 and never had an interest in the forums until FSD Beta was released. If we’re gonna be that petty then check the like/dislike ratio on the comment. Still in my favor. It’s not just me. I...
  30. Lowchrg

    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    I’m ready to see what a new CEO can do for Tesla because frankly I think a lot of people are done with Elon’s BS. I don’t care about the stock price, I care about how they handle customers, and right now Elon doesn’t give a *sugar* about customers. This thread and many posts in it make that...
  31. Lowchrg

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    Whole Mars claims it will go to 95+ but call me skeptical as every Safety Score car has been pushed 2022.8.2 or higher.
  32. Lowchrg

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    Also, you’d have to magically know when Tesla was going to pull safety scores for beta push and be opted in at the time. Be careful with staying opted out if you really want beta.
  33. Lowchrg

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    The game gets even more stressful.
  34. Lowchrg

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    It’s very detailed, when the car is in the parked position and you apply the brakes you can see the area behind the car reflecting the brake lights on the “ground” Really enjoying this little change.
  35. Lowchrg

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    Haven’t seen any other posts about it. From what I can tell you can’t rotate the display but visualizations are now slightly larger and the car model shows every status of the car such as open doors, windows, lights on, wheels turned, etc. just like 3/Y parked visualizations.
  36. Lowchrg

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    So I just went ahead and installed 8.2 as it looks like 10.11.1 is done rolling and I’m really enjoying the new IC visualizations that closer match the 3/Y. Breathed some new life into the IC finally and is holding me off until beta gets here.. if it gets here.
  37. Lowchrg

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    If asking someone to stop causing trouble in a thread they have no business in is an attack then I want no part of these forums. The same info he is spewing in novels was also already spewed in novels by another Model 3 owner who already had FSD Beta around page 80 or 110 or something. Which...
  38. Lowchrg

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    Are you also an effected owner or just here to say your piece and assert some power? “Our efforts” have gotten us where we are. Without this thread I’m confident many owners would still be in the dark. My comments on my thread are because someone is fighting everything and providing nothing...
  39. Lowchrg

    FSD Beta United States Expansion Halt Speculation

    Fwiw it’s been determined this vehicle originated in California but the owner moved to Canada.
  40. Lowchrg

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    @Knightshade Unless you are an effected owner or willing to support our efforts, please respectfully discontinue replying to this thread. Calling us all entitled is not helpful. We have been participating since 9/25/21 just like everyone else but got screwed and left behind with our cameras...
  41. Lowchrg

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    If they have enough testers then I’m fine with that. I’m not fine with the lack of communication about it and continuing to participate in this asinine safety score program with nothing to show for it. But if they were truly done and didn’t need more, this tweet below from 2 weeks ago makes...
  42. Lowchrg

    FSD Beta 10.11

    They may be waiting until after Q1 just to be sure there’s no incidents before that would effect their “zero accidents” metric that I’m sure they will tout. New users in a large wave is a liability in a sense.
  43. Lowchrg

    FSD Beta United States Expansion Halt Speculation

    Hey folks, The last time FSD Beta rolled out to new users in the United States was 12/30/21, and today being 3/29/22 means we are almost at the 3 month mark since no new additions to the program. During this time, users have been continuing to participate in Safety Score which has been fixed...
  44. Lowchrg

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    From what I know, FSD Development is below Andrej at this point and he’s focusing on higher level AI. He’s leaving to brush up on all the technical advances that he couldn’t study while busy with Tesla deliverables and obviously I’m sure he could use some time off to recharge and be ready to...
  45. Lowchrg

    Legacy Model S/X with camera upgrade got FSD?

    It’s to the point where I physically scream in my car at least once a day if I do any drives over 5 miles. Not exaggerating. 7 months of Safety Score in Los Angeles has quite literally driven me mad. I don’t know how much more I can take. Anyways have fun!
  46. Lowchrg

    FSD Beta 10.11

    I sure hope this is a purposely vague tweet meaning all 99s in NA but I won’t get my hopes up. Great to see they haven’t halted the rollout for some reason though.
  47. Lowchrg

    Legacy Model S/X with camera upgrade got FSD?

    Service Centers have absolutely no control over FSD unfortunately. I’ve had my S since November 2017 and been participating in Safety Score for 7 months. You can monitor the thread linked below, this is where all the information seems to get posted first...
  48. Lowchrg

    FSD Beta 10.11

    Shhhhh my confirmation bias is crumbling by the second
  49. Lowchrg

    Legacy Model S/X with camera upgrade got FSD?

    It’s still in the pipeline hopefully. No new cars have been added to the program in 2022 yet but there are a handful of retrofitted cars that received 10.8 prior to 12/30/21 showing that it’s possible for us to get beta as long as you have the cameras.